Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Background

So before I launch into what the draconian job interviewer asks ("Name? Nationality? DOB?"), you can always save yourself the trouble by skipping it if you know me personally.

And hopefully the majority of people reading this won't. Because if they knew me with such'd just be downright dodgy.

At the time of writing this, I am currently amidst the age of 16 (anyone want that in minutes or seconds?) and I know why I'm feeling so enervated: because I've begun embarking on my 17th year in life. And it all sounds fun to me.

I was born in the U.S.A., and am therefore American by nationality, but I walk with Asian blood. Both my parents are Chinese and were raised up on the mainland. Their decision to raise me in the States probably owed itself to an affluent Western country background, but only they truly know. All I can say is that here I am in Hong Kong, living here for the past decade, and seeing three separate locations to call as "home".

I'm pretty thin. But not to the point of having vestiges of flesh dangling off bone. One nickname a friend made up for me is "slender boy". And yet that person also calls me "muscularly arm" after what inspiration gained by watching too much Family Guy.

I view music as a language... An expression. Of the soul, I'd say. Of the mindset, definitely. And if you're on the same page as me in terms of heavy metal songs - and you agree it's not just "noise" - music defines one's demons too. This world would be a void without the passion you find in every song out there. This world is lucky to have these gifts. And I cherish the act of unwrapping them.

I think books are worth more than TV... Before you go out there and assassinate me for blasphemy, do a double-take and consider it. Classic literature is great (and I don't mean you to immediately go out and study Shakespeare's complete works) and its content is a real booster for your own vocabulary and writing skills. What circulates around on TV these days (although i do agree that Prison Break is a heart-racer, and Lost is awesome) is most likely melodrama that goes for special effects, camera technique, or popular actors to get the ratings. The chick-flicks. The sour soaps. The re-runs of lame sitcoms. Grab a book. Start a new page.

I like chocolate... Just an icebreaker.

The background info of this blog's begetter (wow, that truly sounded complex) is up there. Refer to it any time. See you folks.

1 comment:

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